sabbie its not beautiful,
its just me.

you didnt expect such anger, did you?
you didnt expect such rage?
you didnt expect to hear from me like this, did you?

you thought that
daisies and buterflies
rust and blood and decaying matter.

i watched you draw back in surprise
when i told you about inside.

i am not here to forfill your expectations of me.
i am here,
i am me
cos thats all i am.

no fucking excuses from me.
no fucking excuses for you.

you think im this scarred for fun?
you think that this is romantic?
its not romantic.
its not beautiful.

we all do what we have to to survive daytoday.
im doing what i can to survive today.

some days are meaner than others.
freakizh certainly its not poetic.
why it turned you famous?
how could i know, anyway.
what's it to you?
who go