REAListic optimIST A living fossil, some are 1,500 years old.
All but a few in remote China died out.
Six trees even survived Hiroshima's blast.
They can reproduce asexually or sexually.

Gingko Biloba trees remediate damaged soil;
the only tree with parallel veined leaves.
They can form roots from their branches.
Nearly all of their leaves fall the same day.

I want to be like the Gingko tree.
Some say in with the good, out with the bad.
The Gingko tree is stronger than that.
It takes in the bad, and sends out the good.

I know I can be strong like that, too.
I imagine my heart burning bright love.
I can take in the bad while I inhale,
and burn through it to exhale pure love.
what's it to you?
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