u24 this should be very interesting indeed. 060324
u24 if i can only make it work correctly, that is. 060324
u24 see if this works. 060324
u24 better, but still not the ideal state of affairs. 060324
tthee Hermitt yyoouu aarree ddeelleettiinngg eevveerryytthhiingg. SSTTOOPP!!

Wwell itss jjuustt mmy tthheeoorry aannyyhhoww..
the Hermit Ii amm rright!!! UUSseer24 iss pplaayyin wwith bbllatther aaggain!

.tthe Hermitt.
the Hermit TThhhiss iiss thhe sstrangestt ppaage ivve evverr sseen!!!

tthe Hermitt
u24 Hermit; stop removing the quote mark, dammit! :-) 060327
the Hermit seems to be creating chaos. What did i do? Big question mark .

Blather was eating words that were not underlined. i got a blank page so i tried to blathe in it. So kick me already dammit.
oren Thisss isss oneee offff myyyyy favoriteeeee blathessssssss. 080725
other test! 100105
oren Eat_this! 100814
ofsuch i see what you did there... 140425
thieums Game over. 220331
what's it to you?
who go