10 Nov 2004
* What's_the_'Point'?

* Shock_and_Awe

US assault on Fallujah will increase resistance: Cook

1 hour, 24 minutes ago
Yahoo! Search LONDON (AFP) - The US assault on the rebel stronghold of Fallujah will be a tactical success but strategic failure, increasing the resistance to the occupation of Iraq, former minister Robin Cook warned. 041110
1110 Fallujah 'not end of story': former head of Iraqi council

November 10 (1110) 2004 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
a "Point" The Sunni Muslim elder statesman, one of the leaders of the post-war Iraqi Governing Council and a former Iraqi foreign minister from the pre-"Saddam_Hussein' era, said
the offensive to drive out and destroy rebels in Fallujah could backfire.
peyton this came up as a random blathe
i clicked on it because its one of my favorite sayings

but all this stuff on here
from whoever is dragging all these politics in here

just ruined it for me
and i don't think
i can get it back

which is ironic
that's kinda
what the whole saying
is about
unhinged . 180826
what's it to you?
who go