jennifer "That is weird to me. A person I know so little about, yet I feel I know so well, who has such a bright soul, and I'm having dreams about her." 001121
lovely & sweet ewwwww....can you say lezzbo!lol 031101
im sorry gary im thinking abOut this guy whO ive kn0wn all my childh0od life and yesterday(hall0ween)he and s0me other pe0ple who i kn0 came toO my house and i was like ima g0 wit yall(they were trick 0r treating)so0 then he walked mi d0wn the 0ur block the block were he first mooned this old laddy soO... anwayz he tried to kiss mi and i was like what are u dOin i freaked and n0w i regret it and wish i whould have let him... but even though we practicaly grew up together i dont anytihng about him.. but hes a nice guy thOugh 031101
%*%im $orry gary%*% H0ll0ween 2003 the 31st 031101
what's it to you?
who go