silentbob good writing, if its his own. but i get tired of reading the zeros 001218
b0 i'm a thief 0f 0ther's lyrics
i'm a b0rr0wer 0f th0ughts
i'm a symbi0tic p0et
living life thr0ugh 0ther's hearts

i need 0ther's pain t0 feed 0n
0ther's l0ve IS l0ve f0r me
i can 0nly feel what they feel
0n my 0wn i can(n0t) see

but i'm trying hard t0 be me
it's s0 hard t0 see with(in)
i d0n't kn0w which th0ughts are my th0ughts
i d0n't kn0w which sin(s) my sin

i d0n't want t0 live f0r(ever)
i d0n't want t0 live the year
if my s0ul is s0lely b0rr0wed
if my pain(s) just 0ther's fear
silentbob goddamn, kid
did you write that?
b0 i was 0nce a writer 0f w0rds
when my th0ughts i c0uld swall0w
n0w they c0me up. . .
. . .i have n0 c0ntr0l
and it seems i just f0ll0w
what's it to you?
who go