raze there are days when i miss (almost) everyone who was ever here, known to me or not, all who were and are a part of this winding maze of a thing we've made and go on making, all who are gone and might never return because not many of those who've left seem to come back anymore. i was not supposed to become one of the loudest voices here. but when there are so few voices left, every one of them grows louder by default. makes you think more about the way your words reverberate, if nothing else. 141204
fishawk I find myself with not enough time to write anything interesting or worthwhile, so I just poke in and read here and there. I guess I missed the boat on the days of busy_blather

Blue is full of spam today, of ay....
raze you know, i've always wondered what motivates someone (whoever it is) to spend a chunk of time making a bunch of blathes that say "squishyfish" or "arglarglarglar" or whatever. especially when there are so few people left on blather, and no one has shown much of an interest in "feeding the troll" or trying to engage someone who clearly isn't interested in engaging. i don't know if it's about getting enjoyment out of taking a dump on something other people care about, or just a way to kill time, but i can think of about six hundred other things i'd rather do when i'm bored. i guess i'll never understand the true meaning of foyoy. 141204
fishawk Right? I wonder if it is an individual, a program, a glitch... maybe even an experiment just to see how we will deal with it. 141204
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
mr. song what 141205
raze exactly! 141205
unhinged ugh

i mostly ignore it and sift through the shit to the meaningful that's left
fishawk Has the spamming happened on red? 141205
fishawk Nevermind. I see that it has. 141205
epitome of incomprehensibility Lest anyone suspect me, ce n'est pas moi. My kind of nonsense is more:

Activate the vox populi! Molecular shortening sighted on the infra-ray! Prepare to reticulate the enlightenment canisters!

Hm. That sounds more like the old Star Trek. Never mind (go to from...)
e_o_i Still, to play devil's advocate, the spamming that happened today_yesterday produced nice visual art. The flow, like sails in the wind, of blue words on blue looks rather elegant. 141205
e_o_i argues with herself Though I don't like the apparent zeke-directed annoyance. He may have been snobbish at times in the past (I was probably worse, and moreover I had far less knowledge to be snobbish about) but it makes no sense to single him out for a bombardment of nonsense syllables.

(What I'm talking about is that, a while back, z politely asked the nonsense-syllabler to stop using the letter z, and that's why resurrecting the blathes where that discussion played out seems designed to deliberately annoy him. I may be reading too much into this, though.)
unhinged he told me my feelings had always been stronger than his, but later in the same conversation he said he saw things every day that reminded him of me.

eight_months_later i still agonize over leaving him

the attachments my heart makes when im not paying attention *sigh*

my heart keeps new people at a distance now. the effort of that seems like a waste. keeping that which we want to give away seems like a waste. being alone with no one to share my life with seems like a waste. waking up to go to a job that shits on me for all my hard work seems like a waste.

my heart is in ruins. the effort of pretending seems like a waste.
unhinged i proposed to someone via google chat today. he hasnt responded.


i was half kidding. the other half of me finds some allure to creating things with him for the rest of our lives.
raze just gotta find the right ring. 150214
what's it to you?
who go