tender square try not to be a piece of shit today.” 210812
unhinged the mural project created around the boarding up of businesses last summer during the protests to protect from riots ended up in a museum.

my favorite murals from the autonomous zone near the phrase 'tear gas makes me horny' on the sidewalk were put in a museum where bill gates lives so that him and all the people like him could gawk at the art without having to get too close to the dirty anarchists and all the pissed off transgendered artists that the gentrification for their tech companies have been displaced from what used to be considered the gayborhood in seattle.

place is an integral component of graffiti. elitist rich people putting it in museums and buying it for high prices at auction make me wanna spit.

tender square r u saved? 210902
tender square gah, that should have been in quotes. 210902
tender square "u r loved" 210904
tender square a billowing bedsheet from a second-story window of the delta tau delta house with the spray-painted message, “delts have more fun than people” (?) 210912
tender square "i'm rooting for you" in a thought bubble spoken by a face with three eyes. 211007
tender_square on the back of some kind of grey mailbox on the corner of liberty and main: “take the risk.” 220214
tender_square on a rooftop wall above a panera visible to campus, a broken heart and the name "danny." 220317
past on a network box in the middle of a park, not really close to anything: a burly peg legged pirate eating an ice cream cone. 220317
tender_square like an immature doodle in a high school textbook but seen_on_the_sidewalk: a black spraypainted outline of a short and girthy dick. 220322
tender_square on a train bridge in white-painted, bubbly lowercase: “happy birthday barbara bush!” 220327
tender_square on a power box in white paint, a cartoon image of a woman with the phrase “life is happening elsewhere.” 220603
newworldorder maybe it's obvious
maybe i don't care

tender_square a reminder written on an electrical box in little river park, its message emphasized through repetition:

look look look look
tender_square the drunken movements of a man with webbed feet and an upside-down bicycle for a head says, “trust me, the pizza is amazingon a boarded-up building. 220717
raze white letters on orange brick. one word.


(and i thought, "that'salmostmy red name.")
tender_square “chrym” scrawled wildstyle in silver ink on the closed mouths of many refuse bins. 220819
tender_square ouch!” tagged in teal on an intact guardrail. 220902
tender_square i love pussy” written in pink print on a college curb. 220915
raze scrawled in blue cursive on the side of a massive mailbox:

"it's going to kill me. where's the money?"
of westboro"

(this one is a bit funny because westboro began as a cottage village for rich anglo protestants that was eventually absorbed into the growing city, where it became home to solidly upper middle class professionals and has been for the last ~125 years since it urbanized. it has never not been "gentrified".)
past (the added layer is the graffiti is on a new purpose built mid-rise apartment building that is displacing an unused corner of a parking lot. it is almost the opposite of most definitions of gentrification i can think of.) 221205
tender_square a tag on the side of a refurbished brick building in the heart of downtown detroit, the unreadable swirls wedged between two brand-new black-frame windows on the second story. 221226
tender_square "one love" carved into the wood of a weakening foot bridge. 230103
tender_square bitch, suck my dick” unsuccessfully scrubbed off the side of a shipping container. 230119
tender_square from a sticker on a lamppost:

"you are a work of art."
raze painted on the side of a garbage pail:

and a day"
tender_square a slapped sticker on a post at the intersection of manning and e.c. row:

"they lied to us" with the logos of cbc, am 800 and the canadian government.

(what they lied about exactly isn't clear.)
raze written on a strip of masking tape affixed to a parking meter's scuffed cheek:

"not free."
tender_square greased letters billowing on plywood and carried over, scunched, to the brick facade below:

"poetry cuts as deep
as a feather on an

angel's wrist"
past "rcmp 150: celebrating violence and dispossession"

(you're not wrong graffiti person.)
tender_square in lime ink between the slats of a parched bench:

"smoke grass, eat ass, skate fast"
tender_square written on the window sill in black bic:

"1 apr 31 aug 2023"


"ha ha" with accompanying devil face

"too you (sic)" with a middle finger
past carved into a bench surrounded by the long drooping foliage of a weeping willow "the_church of good times." 231104
what's it to you?
who go