Prefix: 1)Im not a stalker. 2)Im a relative new comer to blather and therfore unaware if this is appropriate. 3)Should be working with the people I have asked to stay back tonight, BUT, have totally lost interest in phallic buildings for today and am much more drawn to
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interesting people using words on the net. SO....
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gja asks
Answer this Jane - I command - 1) What do you do to pay the bills? 2) What do you do to make your mind feel young? 3) Do you look younger or older than you feel - no - dont answer that - its a rude question. 4) Do you believe that manners are important? I do? 5) What is your highest priority? Why? 6) Whats more important - you - OR - the collective? Answer these my friend and I'll give you more questions - good ones - we'll see how deep the rabbit hole goes!
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1. i work in a cubicle on the 22nd floor of the california environmental protection agency building. i work in the public affairs office. i actually enoy my job, as it allows for me to do creative things, and they're not breathing over my shoulder so i can answer blather questions ;) 2. i discovered about six years ago that it is important to play to keep one's mind young. this includes drawing on my whiteboard at work, playing silly word games, etc. i keep little toy cars in my purse. but i would say overall, doodling is my favorite thing, because it requires a healthy imagination. hell, one of my recent doodles was a pancreas monster who shot arrows out of his eyes. it's just fun! 3. i'm not really sure, actually. sometimes i feel like i'm 45, and sometimes i feel like i'm 12. there isn't really an answer, though i didnt find the question rude 'tall. 4. i do believe manners are important, because they demonstrate respect, even to strangers. and that makes people feel good, hell, it could be the highlight of Their day! warm light in a cold world. well i dont believe the world is really cold, but i do believe everyone deserves respect, at least until they've proven otherwise. (smile) 5. my highest priority right now, ooh thats a toughie. i am definitely making an effort to read, write, draw, or paint almost every day. i am afraid working in an office (even a creative one) will kind of suck my creative passions away. i have to make sure i see my job as a means to do what i really love to do, to make art & music, and not what i Do. {side note: when people ask me, say, at a bar or something, 'what do you do?' i make sure to ask them back, 'what do i Do? or what do i do?' sometimes they get it.} 6. questions getting tougher as they go, huh? i think in a way i sort of Am the collective. because if i take care of myself, that cleans up the Stuff that i put Out There every day. i truly believe everyone is emitting & absorbing, constantly. and i want to be the kind of person that emits goodness {my mother just glows, i have always admired her for that}. and in this way i am doing good for the collective. does that make sense? i don't think it's either-or. i think there is a very delicate balance in between that is subjective. and another thing: subjectivity. s'bob wrote something on blue under "i" - one of the first blathes i ever saw, and has stuck with me throughout the years: " the universe is unique as i see it. no one else sees it EXACTLY the way i see it. which can only mean one thing. without me in the world and the universe, the world and the universe as i see it would cease to be. MEANING I am the god of my own universe. and i must find people to believe in me so i can continue the struggle of life love and the pursuit of happiness. " {to me this is another example of where the individual and the collective coincide, and must therefore coexist symbiotically} {getting deeper in the rabbit hole}
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whats it to you? Everyone is symbolically connected to a story, a path, a coincidence. Everybody, does things without realising its effects on their environment and the people around them. Everybody is born into a situation they can't control therefore are a product of it. Everybody can be lucky or unlucky, wealth is not the only thing that controls that. Everybody can fall despirately in love. Everybody can keep a diary without knowing that someone is reading it ! But not Everybody can do something about it, how did you do that ?
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i have a feeling that's not the x i know.
what's it to you?