jane i want to

1. stomp grapes with my feet
2. get published, at least once
3. go to berlin
4. get more tattoos
5. change somebody's life
6. see a birth, & a death
7. go on a rollercoaster
8. go to morocco
9. go back to new york city & make amends
10. indulge
11. live solely off artwork, for at least a year

{to be continued}
ha HA ha ha

don't waste your time then will you!

i want to sleep hanging upsidedown, that way gravity will not push me into the ground.
Yoke who's the Yogi that does that then?

i want one, a harness thing, they look like fun.

i'm not a horse, i'm a bat.

i'll bat around like a bat out of hell. hee hee.
tessa 1. fall in love
2. have a child
3. get a phd
4. publish something
5. read all the books i've bought
6. reconcile with the friends i've lost
7. see europe
8. visit every continent
9. lean to take photos
10. learn to draw
11. attend a silent buddhist retreat
12. go hang-gliding
13. take acid
14. become someone who talks to strangers on the bus
15. work with people in prison
16. learn to forgive
17. be happy with myself
tessa these lists are always so cliché. But I think the important thing about them is not crossing things off, but the fact of thinking about who you are and who you want to be.

i'm going to Morocco in November.
jane get teaching credential 070917
jane 12. get teaching credential
13. actually use it.
jane 14. see the aurora borealis 071023
jane 15. go to mexico city for the monarch butterfly migration 080721
birdmad may or may not be joking outlive my worst enemies
become infamous
jane 16. visit/live in (o)porto, portugal 090208
jane 17. crowd surf 090920
jane 18. dive with whale_sharks. 110330
jane 19. build a theremin 120121
unhinged i'll max out the credit cards on travelling the world 120121
jane 20. Participate in a large food fight. 120122
jane 21. canal tubing in kauai. maybe without all those people. maybe at night.
drifter Discover a passion, and act on it 120228
raze i want to know that i've really lived. 220705
kerry i want to ride a horse. 220709
epitome of incomprehensibility Publish a book! At least write a book.

And then have a food fight.

kerry: horse riding IS a thing to experience! Specifically the feeling that there's another living being propelling you forward, that there has to be some sort of mutual respect or at least acknowledgment.

On a less exalted note, the last horse ride I remember was on a school trip to a farm at around 7th grade. Us lower-year high schoolers went together in a slow line and the horse I was on kept farting, which the boys found hilarious.
raze i'd like to wake up one morning feel whole again. just once. 240125
kerry i'll write a book. 240125
raze i came here to say the same thing i said at the beginning of the year, only to find it had already been said.

that kind of says it all.
what's it to you?
who go