mechanical birdmad o_o 011203
Photophobe Its true. 020331
PJLoop I'll kiss his ass and maybe he'll spare me. We are all doomed anyway, I can try.

My concern is static though. Hate that on ungrounded mikes in cheap rehearsal rooms hey
WTF 040209
blablablabla I do think that menacing robots should be black, and not red. 050604
IWASEatenNowImDead Unfortunately, I've just been eaten by a giant robot that smells like cottage cheese. 051116
YOUVEBEENEATENNowYouredead Unfortunately, I've just been eaten by a giant robot that smells like cottage cheese, again. 051116
TROUBLESUM ...if you don't boil the hell out of water (to make it holy, of course) and proceed to douse him with it 051117
what's it to you?
who go