fierce_otterpup no. it's all right mum. he's teaching me you see.
i need to know these things.

he's giving me lessons in how to feel pain.

and for this i'm even grateful.

and i don't love him. but i do.
and i won't be with him again. but i will.
and we won't marry or have kids. but it's possible.

and sometimes i'm going crazy.
and i've learnt how to say no.
and i've learnt how to play games.

but somehow i'm still learning how to be hurt.
suicidalchinadoll I hate that lesson 041208
birdmad the only one i learned, and quite by accident was how_to_disappesr_completely 041209
birdmad how_to_disappear_completely

(but apparently not how to spell)
what's it to you?
who go