roger waters come on you target_for_faraway_laughter 021007
roger waters come on you_stranger 021007
roger waters come on you_stranger, you_legend, you_martyr,
and shine
unhinged les_claypool 021007
paranoid martyr shiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeeeeeee 030616
god wind in the willows 060711
danny the hand that would really like to help
but can't get past its awkwardness.
I've had strangers hug or kiss me in greeting
with more warmth than that. I'm sobbing and
you're pulling out your ipod to check whatever
work. seriously? can inept go as far as
sociopath. your voice tight, incapable
of mimicking comfort you've only received
from me. my touch is not only a trigger
for recoil. my body doesn't convert
to untouchable hesitancy all who come near.
just you. hovering I feel more isolated
than alone.
what's it to you?
who go