miniver Why not bring'em up, Q?

It's true, personality experiments are nothing new. Nazi's and psychologists and authors and philosophers and lots of other people alike! I don't think that's exactly what your allusion was getting at, though, hmm? My personality experiments are always carried out on me, so I don't think the nazi-doc comparison is a particularly successful and/or historically accurate one. (Unless you think I'm being referentially inhumane to my own personality! In which case, I assure you, my personality is a relatively responsible adult and, for the most part, does consent.) But, you can certainly bring up your little issue. Yes, indeed. We love little issues here. Aha.

Heil Blather.
nachtengel No Words For you!
(and you can be goddamn sure no soup either)

alles ist scheisse
miniver hmmmm 000912
what's it to you?
who go