elisabeth I know what pain is, i know that i am wrong, i am mad every day i am alive, I am upset i can not smile all becuase of you 010425
unhinged i know where the evil in me hides all under a guise of kindness and i just can't sleep anymore 010425
stars I am able to gone with life. I am able to keep my head up and to keep on working. You make my life worth living. 011018
. jesus_christ_my_typing_sucks 041111
. jesus_christ_my_typng_sucks 041111
mourninglight my hands shook all day.
I still love you.
but I will not be the other girl.
marked . 041112
love & hate i feel so lost and alone. That there is no one out there for me if we couldnt even make it work. I think of what we would be like today, a year later, if we were still together... 041113
Splinty I know how it feels. You showed me how to love. 041223
unhinged . 100730
what's it to you?
who go