pigeon i have to pee so bad right now. but i'm a procrastinator when it comes to using the bathroom. i would have to say that the bathroom is my least favorite room in the house. and the toilet is my least favorite seat. i spend as little time in there as i have to. so i wait thinking that i'll only have to pee a couple times a day, but it never works out that way. i always have to pee so bad. 040808
cpgurrl not anymore 040808
spiffy "you'd rahter pee in a bush than talk to people?"

"yeah, wouldn't you"?

cyberghost My number is up. I'm dead and buried now. 040809
unhinged does flonase make one's bladder shrink? 040809
mute no_one_listens to me 040809
what's it to you?
who go