Mahayana and [to hold] 020424
Sailor Jupiter to_have and not to hold
so hot yet so cold
my heart is in your hand
and yet you never stand
close enough to have my way
--- Madonna
music for the masses to_have_and_to_hold 020424
Fire & Roses to attain that which you have sought. to posses as much as possible the very thing you desire. And relize that you wanted something else. 030719
pobodys nerfect ...and have not... 030719
ashmanzhou to have something
rather than nothing
villify me!
exeunt the fire from me
i digress
i will keep this
thou i doth hate it
for it fills the void that doth not ache or burn
for it is nothing
and i cannot hate it
only myself
what's it to you?
who go