sabbie loggin on to my web account
every ten minutes
to clear out the bounced emails
from people with better firewalls
than mine

never even seen these email addresses before.

the network has slowed to a crawl and all the printers have crashed

they say that humanity is jsut a virus the earth has.
i think it's fitting that the virus has a virus that is winning.

i'm on the germ's side
all the way
every time
every day
oE can you set your spam mail preferences to block all emails with a certain suffix? i don't have a decent firewall but that seems to work for me 040128
sounds like a I.A. country song "the network has slowed to a crawl and all the printers have crashed" 040128
. . 040202
white_wave thanks to me the_internet_is_broken due to overuse. 040222
what's it to you?
who go