belly fire "Motherhood is about accepting the limitations of time and energy, which stretch beyond you. Even though sometimes it feels that they could consume you. Search for and hold on to your own true self. If you lose that, what kind of mother can you be? Things are always changing no matter how much you might want things to stay the same. You could take a picture of your kids every single day and every single day they'd just be getting older. That's a fact - a heart-breaking fact - but still a fact. So seize your days and dwell in them fully. Look to your children because they know how to inhabit brief periods of time with extreme passion and for nothing more, really, than the sake of those moments. They can help you remember that, if you only slow down and let them. Feel fortunate because chances are good you actually might be."

- Eliza
lostgirl nice

unhinged i love being around children because they are the ultimate lesson in impermanence

and sometimes they just melt_my_heart

i've been using the last time i babysat as a touchstone lately to calm me in the midst of my freaking out.

playing twinkle twinkle little star on the piano and singing along a little voice joining me and after about the 20th time clear as day but child_like all the same little quinn says:

'you're magic'

i think we all need a two year old to tell us that sometime.
what's it to you?
who go