grandma squillo in her spinal tap shoes banana_creme_needle with the corn_starch_flarcho_and_ink

we charge by the square inch and the hour

Caution: Yopur was once nearly eaten by overfed_nuclear_mice and hill full of gigolo_ants after deciding to sunbathe_diagonally with a fresh pudding_tat on his back
jack palance with pudding tat confidence is sexy *sharp inbreath* don't you think? 020604
jack palance i could kick the ass of Yopur with only two fist_kittens 020604
agent representing jack palance Yopur beat the shit out of hampi just last saturday near the_pine, which means, by transitive property, modus ponens, that jack palance is hampi's uncle. 020709
sab i have a tattoo of a self saucing chocolate pudding on my right calf 040616
hard to strike a palance as if i needed another reason to love you 040617
what's it to you?
who go