sameolme A neurosis in which the patient is madly in love with his fast car. 041111
Lemon_Soda LOL 041111
sameolme I only have vroom fo you! 070417
ha ha be sure the oil you add is hyacynthetic 070417
i take it back that was really dumb. 070417
? wots hyacynthetic ?

i like vrooms...

but how come the new ones arn't there to buy?
they designed eco ones already - cool ones..
electric ones...
they always want to release it slowly... pretend to develop it... make as much profit as possible out of an invension.... that is already developed...

while in the meantime that polar Bear...
aint got no ice to sit on... it swims and swims and swims.

have they made any eco sports ones yet ?
what's it to you?
who go