Q For my indiscretion in posting the same blathe twice four days apart, I will submit to whatever flagellation you, Spellchecker, deem to be appropriate under the circumstances, provided you consent to equal flagellation for your being so damn pernickety. 050407
Spellchecker This could get ugly, or at least painful. 050407
Q It could. 050407
Spellchecker Gandhi said "An eye for an eye leaves two people blind."

So will you accept my withdrawing from your eye the stick I poked there?
Q Previously unbeknownst to me, you have the potential of being a gentleperson and the possibility of being a scholar.

Yes, I accept.

Please withdraw the stick so I can put my spectacles back on.
Spellchecker Done. 050407
Q Merci beaucoup. 050407
Spellchecker What? 050407
Q Thanks a lot. 050407
Spellchecker My pleasure. 050407
spoken sticks and stones do break the bones
but spanking's more exciting
what's it to you?
who go