stork daddy It sure did. 030310
stork daddy funny...i don't remember this one. but if i've empowered other people to find their voice well so be it. blurry ownership is a staple of blather. 030311
phil are you serious?
assuming there are 4 staples of blather, you think blurry ownership is one of them?
User24 4 staples? please explain. 030403
phil well how many staples are there excactly? 030403
j 4? 030602
endless desire being stupid bc she can and doesnt . . .staple?

hmm when i think staple, i think of the small metal pieces that go in the mechanism that attatches paper together. . .

and if there are four of them in blather. . .and stork daddy has managed to be one of them. . .well than he has accomplished quite a feet for a staple!
care if people think she is immature * 030602
what's it to you?
who go