Mushroomman Come on down....

We stock Everything from Gel to Norm,
Come to our pharmacy where you won't find anything but the complete lack of a Pharmacy, And Disposable latex gloves... also for those alergic to latex.... well.... um.... we have antiphalatic shots to use before puting on latex gloves..... We also carry wide varietys of rodents..

Instore specials for this week: half off on rodents carrying the Bubonic plauge

free mesh tote bag with every 36th roll of toliet paper purchased
god martha olliuqs here, i want a rain czech. 011119
sabbie imagine if blather reatiled and we all had to pay per word for the privilege to blathe.

Sonya If blather was retail and charged us word for word 99% of us wouldn't be here to begin with.

Retail and freedom of expression don't seem to mix these days!
what's it to you?
who go