god oz- trail- yah 021009
sabbie you know england has the abbrevation UK, meaning the United Kingdom.

american has US, standing for United States.

austrailia has OZ.

no wonder those bloody aussies cant spell.
cube Not only that but, the country itself is spelled "Australia". Come on guys - get a spell checker.
god duh 030424
hellgurl_10 who really cares! its just a god damn country! 040406
hellgurl_10 and even if the thing is OZ, its unigue and i for one like it:) 040406
Your Mama I dont care ! I think your all retarted. All of you because I'm an Aussie and I can spell so screw you! 040407
Whatever I agree with "your Mama" or whoever he is I think you all retarted so thats what I have to Blather[whatever that means!(By the way I'm not an Aussie)] 040407
blather homophone check you're 040408
blather spell check retarded 040408
what's it to you?
who go