farmfish i'm reading it going, "what the fuck?" 010809
farmfish ?????????? 010810
farmfish am i the only one who is reading the smartest kid on earth? 010811
farmfish i guess so. how unfortunate. i finished it on the beach at ocean city, maryland and was amazed. now be good boys and girls and go to the library and read it. the first one to do so will be my favourite friend. i got to get my copy back, i'm already a week late. fuck! 010826
stork daddy it did something to me that only that genre can do. 051108
ClairE I read it for class. He had its twin on his shelf. I can't tell if it pushed higher or lower. 060228
benny profane quimby the mouse is better.
or, at least i think so.
what's it to you?
who go