somebody When I capitalize names, it's beacuse I like and or even respect you, (and yes, it is possible to have one w/ ot the other) sometimes when I don't capitalize your name it's beacuse I don't know you well enough to deside one way or the other. If your name has been capitalized by me previously and is suddinly no longer capitalized it's bc I'm angry at you, it's bc I no longer like and or respect you.

Yet theirs one person whos name I wish I could some how show more expressively how I feel about them then mearly un_capitalizing their name, a way so that when ever their name was written by me you could see the contempt and absolute hate I feel for this person. For the first time ever I wish their were a way to do more then simply un_capitalize some ones name.
spoken ha ha ha 090407
jane (stylistic choice) 090526
what's it to you?
who go