Tank spiders. 000720
jennifer my neighbor, Kevvie 000720
silentbob Nikole Simpson, the lying evil bitch 000813
silentbob NOT to be confused with Nicole Brown Simpson, ok? ok? 000813
Thyartshallshant My dad calls me Spawn sometimes. He did for like a week strait after that moive came out. I liked it 001230
Thyartshallshant moive: NOT to be confused with movie, its a totally different thing. 001230
girl_jane The bugs guts that are crusted to my windshield blocking my view... 020806
silentbob i called nikole simpson a lying evil bitch. i don't know why. she isn't that horrible. 020807
D y a n n e Miss Jones she is either satans spawn or Satan himself only he switched to a be a female to try to be less notice-able She is the Source of all evil 020901
The Heretic The GOP 040709
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