pilgrim pilgrim
Present this day
birdmad i tried to invent one, but bread can't be trained to do tricks 010126
soia amelia bedelia 010126
j_blue 08.30.1978, here 010126
silentbob 102882 010126
birdmad 720316 010126
k 102880 010126
ondele here i am again
misstree proud and present
jennifer true.
birdmad "potato" 010128
deb 110580
joining the ranks
cinnamon and kaiser reporting as ordered 010129
god 753 trillion years before scrabble 010129
chanaka 820320
usually proud of it
nocturnal 820417
I'm very big on birthdays, don't you dare forget this date!!! Just to clarify, that's April 17th, 1982. Got it? Thanks.
pat sajaks ghost ROLL! ROLL! 010131
EGG AND SPRING kung hsi fa ts'ai 010131
pat sajaks ghost chow ko-wee soak trowel 010131
soia soaked towel in ass 010131
guitar_freak alive and well 010131
nocturnal I was just wondering who all was on right now, so I thought I'd do roll call. all present blatherers please come forth. 010309
mikey im here. sad and stressed. tried to go to sleep 3 times now. its after midnight so its officially the 9th which is my 28th birthday and my life is still nowhere near where i want it. midlife crisis? dont know. its one of those moments i just wanna get in my car and drive as fast as it will go if i crash i crash and just drive like the wind. 010309
mikey oh its 3-9-2001. 28 years since my birth on this planet. almost 3 decades now ive wandered this planet. 010309
nocturnal congratulations on making it this far, and happy happy birthday! 010309
nocturnal oh, and please don't go crashing your car. who would I blather with at 2:30 in the morning if you did that? think of others. 010309
mikey =o( 010309
chiidi the nature of blather being what it is the roll call is more of a "who has been here?" than a "who is here now?" kind of thing 010309
nocturnal I know, but I was bored, okay? 010309
chiidi tso from the canyons the caves and the mesas

present and accounted for
(though accountable to none)
twiggie 110284 010309
Aimee 08101983 010310
mikey here 010310
unhinged 811011 010310
arinna 830405 010311
mikey ... 010311
nocturnal I did this on blue as well, but I just wanted to check to see if y'all were alive and well. I worry, ya know. 010911
silentbob present. 010911
rollins also. 010911
birdmad one red crested bird, present and accounted for 010911
pralines&cream *raises hand*

11:35 pm, wed.
Miffey awake
(just barely)
Arwyn here 020307
rollins 2.13.61 020404
pilgrim Here more often than there now. 020404
user24 16th of 12th, 82nd 040818
user24 actually, 1982nd 040818
user24 otherwise that'd make me 1921 years old. 040818
roll "Hello, is anybody there?" 040818
hopeless anyone? 040818
mangrove i'm here.

too late i bet.
the robin hill crew present and accounted for, all seven of us. 130205
raze johnny_west be naked and present. hey! eyes up here! 130205
jennifer I'll pipe up again,
i suppose

the email link is dead (if anyone tried)
(still feels wrong not entering it)

you can maybe find a haphsaph
at a gmail if you are so inclined
leni leni is superleni is in da red house 130911
Mikey 2016 wondering if this site is still active but doubt it 160917
epitome of incomprehensibility I'm active! About to fall asleep, but metaphorically active. I don't know if I've actually talked to you here or on blue, but I've seen your words around, so hello. 160921
Z I am still here. I mostly read, but here often. 160923
raze i always wonder if there are any people lurking, reading without saying anything. besides, it's fun to have an excuse to say, "bueller?" every half-decade or so.

anyway. i'm here. i put my hands in the air, and i wave 'em around to demonstrate that i do, in fact, care quite a bit.
e_o_i I still think we should call pizza or something. Rolls are so plain. 210920
raze or at least some sort of exotic bread. like ... androgynous presbyterian olive loaf. 210920
e_o_i You keep making me laugh.

...Er, ahem, if you're going to bring my religious heritage into this, don't be wishy-washy about it! It's Presbyterian OREGANO. (Though the olive bread from the Italian bakery in Park Ex is worth a bit of heresy.)
raze i apologize. showers do that to me sometimes.

however! ever since the word "oregano" was abused in a very_punny way by the person who ate all my favourite bread during super bowl saturday (a celebration of ceramic bowls not to be confused with the super bowl), i've been reluctant to speak or type it.

here's what happened:

i asked, "where's the bread?"

and the person who ate all the bread said, "oregano," placing the emphasis on the wrong syllable and pronouncing it OAR-UH-GONE-OH.

and i wept. not so much for the loss of bread, but for the crime committed against an innocent unit of language.

none of this actually happened, you understand. but i like to imagine it did, if only for the edification of the various entrails and egg crates that lead us all into trepidation from time to time.
kerry i have been eating more bread/lurking than writing, lately. as in the past couple of days.

new favorite: caterpillar bread
what's it to you?
who go