E Plurbius Klerbloinkulum In the lands I come from, we don't spell it like they do in the lands inhabited by Those Forsaken By Toasters.

Where I come from, we spell "clerbloinkula" with a "k", and under certain circumstances it is capitalized but the rules for capitalization are very, very strict, and the punishment for misuse is that basically no one could care less except me, I get really frustrated by it.

Please, people. LEARN WHEN IT IS AND ISN'T APPROPRIATE TO SPELL KLERBLOINKULA WITH A CAPITAL OR LOWER-CASE K **BB*B**EEEE***FFF***OooRRR***E*** YOU COME VISIT ME IN MY UNSPECIFIED HOMELAND! Otherwise I'll be fussy for a bit, and then I'll be bossy for a while, although after that I'll be rather sassy for at least a semester!
:-P but i'm not a Lemon. 070830
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