dosquatch good_idea 040529
dosquatch Make Love As War. 040529
dosquatch health_maintenance_organizations 040529
dosquatch Playing the piano in a marching band 040529
dosquatch Taking a deep breath after jumping into a swimming pool 040529
dosquatch Doing your own dental work 040529
dosquatch Playing the accordion anywhere else 040529
dosquatch Having tennis balls served to you in bed 040529
dosquatch Whistling while you eat 040529
dosquatch Having your dog dry cleaned 040529
:) ... 040529
? :) 040529
shivers reading this page while eating
bastard, chicken is everywhere
pobodys nerfect sardine,pickle and peanut butter sandwiches...on rye! (i've never tried it,but can you just imagine it?
lou_la_belle oh laura, i'm so glad you're back. you say it best. 040720
what's it to you?
who go