Thyartshallshant I always thought this was a cool way to discribe blather, even though I have no idea what "pontification" means. 010119
Lone_Raven pontification: i think it has to do with power...but o well. 010715
blue_ash pontification: the expression of opinions or judgments in a *dogmatic way
*dogmatic: Relating to, characteristic of, or resulting from an authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.
The Truth A masterpiece.

Blather is the most colorful painting on the wall. We are a part of the most complex Artwork in history.

Creative integration.

That's what this is.
u24 well said. 040105
magicforest The nature of blather is the most beautiful thing I have ever explored. It has captured. 040417
ferret "my finger points" 040417
Hooray! Gotta love it. 061109
what's it to you?
who go