epitome of incomprehensibility
When I read The Sound and the Fury, it was the summer after grade 11 (last year of high school, here) and I'd just turned 17. I spent a few days at the cottage before going to work at my aunt's store and I remember reading it while walking. The pebbly road went well with Faulkner's words and the book's atmosphere. Also, there were hardly any cars, so I could ramble at leisure, alternately scowling at myself for picking something "so hard" and enjoying it even though my mind couldn't quite juggle all the characters. Faulkner and James Joyce have a similar tendency to squish words together. Maybe it's thanks to them that I always want to write "high school" as "highschool." It just looks better to me. And I had no idea that the title was a quote from Shakespeare, or that Faulkner had written less complicated books. In high school - highschool! - English class had tossed me a couple of his stories, and thus I picked a book of his off the library shelf. It was 2005, the year before Internet at my house.
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Oh. I thought raze had already started a blathe. This one seems un-Faulknerly Kirstenish. Hm. Maybe his last name is a link? That would fix everything. In the world.
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e_o_i the logical
Nope. But I found what I was looking for - r. did write about it in reading_now. This sentence made me laugh: "and i think if i'd read this book when i was in high school it would have exploded my brain." But if not if you'd read it in highschool, I'll wager.
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"if not if" indeed. The Minister of the Interior or Inferior disapproves.
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but no! nothing will be fixed. not just now, anyway. i too thought i might have started a blathe called "faulkner" at some point, and a few weeks ago i searched for it, convinced i was losing my mind a tiny bit when i couldn't find it, not understanding why "faulkner" hadn't become a link on reading_now. then i realized what i was looking for was a quote over on reading_and_writing, and i laughed.
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and now i'm laughing again, because i wrote this before seeing the last two things you wrote, making what i just wrote completely redundant.
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also, i think "if not if" needs to be the title of a poem or somethin'. there's some serious potential for fun wordplay there.
what's it to you?