nah....! he fucking fascinates me. i wish he wasn't dead. i'd invite him for tea. 011118
whoknows or mello yellow 011118
Airplane! looks like i picked the wrong day to sniffing glue 011118
ever dumbening quien es mas macho 011119
dlalckflweldaxle. what you [peoeple need is more kinase acticator. we'relistebuinbg to pearl jonhsnon hgwo dings perls against wisfom your mom is do people.a kineadee. my mpom is so fuckedituwps. Fuckuekd oot. Fuckjerks.t. Firg;s kisu want to have fun. FIrlgs just want to have fun. Mymome is so godamn awful I just like people who qar m,eyhn bgos. 020601
tourist Sea Hunt
That's where I remember Lloyd
Underwater at Silver Springs
In Ocala Florida
Though in the story line it was always
Someplace more exotic
A lot of His lines were
bbbbuubbblll hiss bbubblll hiss bbubblll
r_r . 091014
fghio fghio 101114
what's it to you?
who go