apoeticmisfit what makes me afraid? what is fear anyway? i think the person i'm most afraid of is myself because i don't know hwo i really am. i don't know what i'm going to do to myself next. one minuete i can be fine and the next i lay bleeding on my bedroom floor ( or any floor i feel like crying on.) my own worst enemy...i am scrared of someone i can not get away from. and i wish i could... 020711
apoeticmisfit what makes me afraid? what is fear anyway? i think the person i'm most afraid of is myself because i don't know who i really am. i don't know what i'm going to do to myself next. one minuete i can be fine and the next i lay bleeding on my bedroom floor ( or any floor i feel like crying on.) my own worst enemy...i am scrared of someone i can not get away from. and i wish i could... 020711
apoeticmisfit *twice is nice* 020711
kerry i am a little afraid of what i may become

cynical and jaded

i am afraid i cannot change myself
Lime Rider I'm not afraid of anything physical. just afraid of the chance the future will turn out lonely like so many days before. afraid of losing you, anyone. yes. i mean you. 030112
bandersnatch i only fear a few things, but they terrify me. the first is change. any change what so ever. getting a haircut, when i shaved my beard, when i started to work (most people i put off a job cause im lazy), graduation, and changing classes for the semester are but some of the minor things that "normal" people treat as no big deal, or as a great thing, but i just cant seem too relax. i know nothing bad will happen and there will be little to no negetive outcomes, but it is just a heavy fear,

the other is me. i terrify me sometimes. the way that i treat people and some of my hobies are things that if some i knew did, i wouldnt be able to hang out with them.

help me, please.
erogenous weighted down by water.
frightened and heavy.
i can't remember what to think anymore.
gelfling too alone
too alone
gelfling will not see a nat'ral end to these wings
ShilohLives the word means too much for me to explain without writing another novel...I've written one on here tonight and I can't handle writing two..and I'm afraid ov my spelling...and ov my typing... 030703
mon uow i don't want to be afraid
of anyone or anything
afraid of what i might be 051210
nom to say goodnight
afraid not to
nom always) 060125
tessa Yes, I am afraid
of almost everything.

But please do not misunderstand -
being afraid does not mean I do nothing
It does not stop me from being
or doing.

Yes, I am afraid to leave
that is why I am going.

Yes, I am terrified of saying these things to you
that's how I know I have to say them.

Yes, I am unsure of everything
it is all in doubt
all up for questioning
that's how I know I'm right - that's only way I know of being right.

Some may see constant fear
as paralytic, stupefying, pathetic
but there is an alternative

fear can mean being alive
fear can be a path to being aware and mindful
without fear, you cannot be brave or strong
if you aren't afraid, you haven't really thought it through

fear does not negate life or joy
I can still laugh while I am afraid
I can be afraid of my laughter
and laugh at my fear
demure or you can walk away, as i did,
i tried to face it too, but it was too much,
and now it is far too much,
far far far far far far far far too much,
yet i still WANT and NEED more.
is it dangerous to be addiced to such a strong love?
is it that we should only be afraid of danger,
why then are we MARS and VENUS so afraid of LOVE?
is it because it is a fear of losing a beautiful thing,
a fear of losing a passion that might get lost in lifes struggles ?
i wish it was some how made a little easier, in a peaceful place maybe.
Those three words are the stars in the sky and you, you are every single one of them.
fidgety digits a mind frayed by fear invented the first lock, and now we've all got a few on our front doors. Now my head's locked up in it's own fears, too. Having come back to the homeland to see those who made me, i realize that if i am to walk out this door one more time, i won't be getting back in for quite some time. i suppose that would be fine if there were somewhere else to go in between times, but it would seem i'm just trading one trap for another. would that i could come and go as i please, but my path's predetermined by deadbolts and keys. 131203
what's it to you?
who go