nom there is rain
and cherry blossoms
little birds in the mornings
there is a city outside my window
pete between the screen and the two pains of glass the lightly (albeit covering) clouds that hide the sun give the illusion of a permanent burst of light emanating from a crystal full of chalky tears. 070316
RED LIGHT Dear James,

Are you going to help "Us Us" and D.L ?
I don't want to be "phychotic" forever.

send me a sign .....

no kidding.... my brother took the piss out of me for taking you serious... but i was enlightened by your books. however literal you want to take them ... they make sence - all about love.

i have a suggestion... you should make hard backs... the covers to be honest are crap... ( i know some good graphic designers)

i don't judge a book by its cover ... i never have.

however many people do...... sad but true.

signs and coincidsence...
it all falls into place.

i wish Rumi were still alive.
but i'm sure there are many pirates to enlighten us!

keep in touch.

your friend

nom fog 070318
unhinged on tuesday when it was freakishly warm, four houses across the street ran to liquor store around the corner and had kegs on their porch. i stood on my porch also drinking and watching.

it is the beginning of spring in wisconsin. *rollseyes* i find this to be the ugliest time of year. the flowers and leaves have the good sense to stay hidden yet, but the white blanket of snow (or almost white with a black layer on top since i live in the city) has melted and turned everything grey and brown and smushy. for the next six weeks it could snow again. like seriously dump a foot or two on our heads, not just a little sprinkle that makes everything all pretty and white again. sometime during the month of may, what i know as spring in ohio, will happen for a couple weeks and then the nasty sweaty humidity of summer very close to a lake will set in four about three to four months.

outside my window is grey and brown and littered with the relics of college parties. empty bottles and cans and cigarette butts strewn everywhere. the spring flowers try to stay away from that too.
pete big fluffy clouds on a bright blue backdrop, a marked contrast from the snowy brightness of yesterday when we got one of the spring snows unhinged mentioned after a warm week. 070318
tilt hail, and coldness. 070318
sardines there is snow laying in stripes like lines drawn from the fingerprints of a madman. 130113
raze is a world i want no part of. 240214
what's it to you?
who go