raze eighteen balloons with spanish, french, and german words stitched into their spines. their skin every colour of the ragged rainbow. a villain's novelty moustache with self-adhesive backing. press firmly to apply. use rubbing alcohol to scrub any residue from your upper lip after the fact. spirit gum is suggested to prolong the implement's life. a silver microphone amplified by a hidden band on the am dial. scarred and cracked. the telescoping antenna is broken, but the light signifying life still blinks red with the press of a small black button. two action figures. one a robot with a turbine for a chest and a grill for a mouth. the other a muscular man with white hair and a bionic arm. his right eye an empty socket. the left festooned with three counterfeit lashes on each lid. his still-human hand set to strike down anything in its path. the day i dug these things out of the garage, i flooded a red rubber sac with post-dinner breath and batted it around for a while. i don't know where it disappeared to. it must have shriveled up to nothing and dusted away, like half of what used to live inside of me. 230425
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