they were walking down some random street at around four in the morning. no one else was around, save for the odd cat or squirrel. "you like apples?" he asked. she shrugged. he pulled an apple out of his coat pocket & tossed it at her. she caught it, her left hand cradling her right. "that was deft," he said. she laughed. "don't look at it. so what kind of apples do you like?" "granny smith, i guess. there's something appealing about the tanginess." "what kind don't you like?" "red delicious. the aftertaste is just too bitter for me." he nodded. "how do you feel?" "in general? i feel like...like i should be doing more. like there's so much beauty in so many seemingly unspectacular things, & i don't put enough effort into noticing it & helping it flourish. but at the same time, it's almost satisfying to know that i'm ignorant. that doesn't make any sense, does it?" "sure. but beauty's all about moments. little blink-&-you'll-miss-'em things. you don't have to will yourself to see it. just don't close your eyes." she smiled. "what about sleeping?" "why sleep?" he spun around and held out his arms in an expansive way. "let everyone else do that. i'd rather smell the night with you." she let her eyes scan the apple in her hand. it was a red delicious. he cocked his eyebrow at her & pressed his tongue against a few top teeth. "about a month ago, i wasn't feeling so hot...had a bit too much to drink the night before, or i drank it too quickly...but every time i closed my eyes, i'd have kind of a brief waking dream. nothing that was cinematic in scope, but it happened at least four or five times in the space of a few minutes. & every time, even though my eyes were closed for maybe thirty seconds, the images were so vivid & memorable...but as soon as i opened my eyes, i'd forget what i'd just seen." she threw the apple back at him. he caught it with one hand & bit into it with aplomb. "i take it you like the aftertaste?" she said. he smiled.
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marry me raze
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i don't know if i'm cut out for marriage. but we could have a picnic & make up songs about birds & how silly we must seem to them.
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i like it.
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cooper rasha
marry me raze?
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no matter how many different names i used over the years, the blather marriage proposals seemed to keep finding me, like some strange cosmic joke. some turned out better than others, though no words were ever spoken before a man of god. ask_me_stuff / ask_doctor_stupid is kind of amusing to look back at now. openwound, not so much. but i eventually kind of created my own closure there, as well as i could. and then there was this, the least dramatic of them all. as for what it was that moved any of those people to say those words, as meaningless as they were, well...it still beats the hell out of me. but i guess no one really wants hell to stay inside of them. so maybe it all worked out for the best.
what's it to you?