cocoon *Had a record breaking 49 games unbeaten in the English Premier League
*My football team of choice
*Have one of the best strikers in the world with Thierry Henry
*a.k.a. The Gunners
*First team in over 100 years to go unbeaten over an entire season in the Premiership

They lost today to Man. Utd.
I am depressed. Sad. Crushed. Dejected. Melancholy. Wistful. Forlorn. HEARTBROKEN.
crOwl my consolation. 041024
thunderbuck ram I share your gloom this morning cocoon. It's hard to see a chink of light so close to the event, but it's there. It's the start of the next phase; removal of the weight of expectation that a defeat must come soon. It's time to show the great bouncebackability of true champions.
So cheer up mucker, they're still the team of choice for discerning football fans; they're still the Gunners, the Arsenal; they've still got Thierry..... and Arsene; and, yes, they've set records unlikely to be broken. But what really matters is that the future is still so bright despite yesterday's little set back.
(And Man Utd are just a bunch of kicking cheating scum anyway!!!!! - and Mike Riley sucks Fergie's cock, big time!)
cocoon You know what, you're right thunderbuck ram.
Thinking back to the last time Arsenal got beaten (Champions League, losing the premiership the year before), they always bounced back with style. So even though I wish they had gotten to 50 (if only for the sake of having a nice round number!) this could be a good thing.
And its good to know there's a fellow fan on here.
cocoon Oh. And thank you crOwl. 041026
thunderbuck ram It's good to have a kindred spirit here, cocoon, and pretty damned cool to have Arsenal as a blathed word!

Mind you, you'd probably want dissociate yourself on the basis of some of my fucked up blathes!
cocoon Haha. Now why would I want to do that?!!! Fucked up blathes are just part of blather. I've had my time of fucked up stuff. Its no biggie...
And besides, anyone who supports Arsenal must be cool =D
thunderbuck ram Indeed, I worry too much about my sponatneous blathes and what others might think, when I know that one of greatest things about blather is being able to blurt out whatever's in my mind and to hell with the consequences. Thanks for the reality check! 041029
tilt indeed. 050205
cocoon After coming so close last season, we left Highbury without winning the Champions League.

This season, we try again. The Premiership hasn't gotten off to such a great start, but as is the case with football - hope springs eternal. There is always hope.
what's it to you?
who go