IIIII {} [] <> /@#~-^ IIIII
]~~--~~[ ]~~-~~[ 011005
]--~-~--^--~-~--[ ]--~-~--^--~-~^--[ 011005
]~~-[]-~~[ . 011005
]~~-[@]-~~[ . 011005
]~~-@-~~[ . 011005
]~~-<@>-~~[ . 011005
<@> {@} (@) . 011005
<@> {@} (@) .. 011005
<->|I.I| |II|"" .. 011005
distorted tendencies flatline. 011006
not god change_is_the_only_constant_in_the_universe 011030
someone this is a test 050708
yay another test by your favorite blather friend (not really, but whatever) 050709
dot . 050711
dot weird 050711
? wait, i was sure the blathes were showing up berore... 050711
. 050711
how about this? 050711
someone this is not disappeared 050711
. got it. 050711
tester interesting... blight seems to be non-susceptible to comment-tags-in-name tricks :) 050712
:-) blight fixes blather's html-in-who bug

but it could be unfixed, of course...
nobody blah 050714
nobody i figure it's better fixed 050714
what's it to you?
who go