hsg i s AW A KE y e t o fte n ow i f or ge t o bring it with me in to da..y.. i have to wonder...

is aWE A Key? i s treng th i s o p en durin get he to u r in possibil i tI E s peci all tensi on wha t o keep an d is mISs.

Locked insIDE A v ie w e sca pe rfect I on ly ing for a s hor t i'm.e go cOMm and goes aS IT please. Says when it's u re a dy ing to be free.
In_Bloom I saw a key and it's inscription was forgiveness. Not forgetfulness, not blindness. On the flip side was named faith. I twirl it with my mind's eye,afraid yet to touch it with bare hands. 100630
h|s|g in forgiveness, I_AM_free 101005
unhinged so i picked it up
and gave it to you

and then you ran away
what's it to you?
who go