typhoid yeah, if you try to put something between angle brackets <, >, blather eats it cuz it could be html... so type &lt; to get <, and &gt; to get >.
just like nbsp (&nbsp;)
oh, wait. just like nbsp USED to be.. seems like since nbsp was blathed it gets parsed like any other text.. which i guess it shouldnt. yeah.
so please dont blathe gt or lt!...
i furget what these sorta things are called.. part of html though. others: & = &amp;, § = &sect;. and many more..
nameless HUH? 000415
rabbit of the morning i gt lt and the day i did it changed my life. 000415
lokkust talk about a mind fuck 000624
phil makes sense, thanks 020212
phil lt gt 020212
phil sect 020214
User24 < good advice, thanks! > 020228
auhnold <say what?%gt; 031017
tchiseen w00t &nbsp; unf! 040423
what's it to you?
who go