fuffle and kuffsleeve:

once and for all,

are you the same person or what?
? what difference does it make? 070906
it makes a big difference to me. i feel like i'm becoming part of you, like i'm one of your alternate personalities. if you are both the same person, then i'm the same person. if you are different people, then i am a different person. you are my tyler_durden. 070907
clerbloinku huh? fuffle is kuffsleeve is mr_song is forsaken_by_a_toaster and so forth. his style is distinctive... if largely indecipherable... 070907
jane ANGRY too? 070907
Strideo ANGRY too, I would say.
pooper the new paste!
? its poo how can it be paste?
copy shat.
i know paste! and youre no paste! to compare kf fk to paste! is just so far off the mark. 071022
jane aych. i agree. no comparison. 071022
jane mr_song, etc...

my 7th grade math teacher would have sent you to the other teachers looking for the left_handed monkey_wrench
what's it to you?
who go