heel turn Clay narrates the story

the sign on the highway

bad news from Blair

what is Julian into now?
shinya onna Shauna's obsessed. I hear she ll kill me if I make contact.Crash and burn? 000818
tone deaf records is this the vanishing_point? 010809
birdmad (clarifying) less_than_zero 020206
Freak I still think of the time I got lost in the woods. It still scares me to think about it. But then I stop and think, If I wouldve just disappeared then....I wouldn't be here now... 020621
god isn't it good to be lost in the wood? 020622
whitechocolatewalrus people are afraid of merging 040927
Patrick Bateman this_is_not_an_exit 050825
pete jump into the puddle, and reappear on the other side, in china no doubt (cause the world is that thin) 050825
Piso Mojado http://ohtallula.typepad.com/sculpture_project/mirror_mirror/index.html 050825
what's it to you?
who go