nom listen to the air
no longer robin_hiding
the green shoots sprouting
mon uow the sunshine shouting 050227
crOwl "not in dis here neck o' thee woods," jack frost sniggers, turning over a giant salt shaker filled with snow and dumping out six more inches. 050227
jane jack frost reminds me of jack task. jack was a liar of sorts, but i suppose i didn't know. his name was really ben, i found out later. i'd rather his name be jack. i guess it got kind of out of hand when he was lying to me, when i was laying with him, when i felt uncomfortable and didn't know how to say it. so yeah, spring is hear 050228
unhinged spring does not solidly find it's way to wisconsin til april; canada blows too much of her cold air this way. drat on that. but there is something to be said for it being too cold to snow...

shit, i would be happy with the upper 30s. that's a heatwave around these parts.
mon uow it is cherry blossom time in vancouver 050311
mon uow i saw the trees on tv, all pink and fluffy 050311
mon uow i went for a walk yestertoday
it was over 15 celsius
so very sunny
mon uow actually it was 18 degrees out
but i didn't get outside till sunset
and by then the temperature was dipping
mon uow i went to the park and picked garbage
i wish people didn't leave their wrappers
on the beach their ziplocks and styro cups
mon uow i stood on the docked barge looking
into the water thinking of summertime
unhinged it has been cold and snowing for the past two days

no spring here
mon uow today is rainy, stormy
tomorrow will be sunny
mon uow or at least that's what the forecast says 050311
mon uow again snow retreating
today was rain
clouds are drifting
mountains disappearing
reappearing disappearing

unhinged sssshhhhh....don't say it out loud; don't tempt mother nature.

and i am anxiously twitterpated; trying to convince myself that it's only the sunshine that's making my heart flop over because he seems to be pushing me away. but of course not when i promise to get him high. i'm trying to expect the worst out of you, so when i fall on my face, the anticipatory sting that i'm inducing right now takes the edge off.
chiidi the birds and the rushing and rustling of the wind 050412
raze just when it looked like spring was ready to set up shop, snow is raining down again. winter doesn't know when to let go. 130325
unhinged winter is a stubborn asshole pushing it's cold chilly ways on everyone

there is a copse of trees and bushes near my window and every morning the birds are tweet tweet tweeting before the sun even makes itself known
what's it to you?
who go