unhinged all the houses, the people, the cities destroyed

and all those fucking pundits trying to put an election spin on the whole tragedy *sigh*
unhinged the clouds are like a blanket. i'm curled up inside watching thoughts arise that bring tears to my eyes. taking stock of all the bad things, trying to devise a plan to make sure it never happens again.

but somehow, all the planning, all the skepticism goes out the window if someone says the right things.

i should know by now words are never enough
Pilgrim . 121101
Pilgrim Words are what we have here. I was a miserable son of a bitch when I was in my twenties. I felt like I'd Die alone for sure, couldn't keep a relationship together I was constantly finding fault with Myself and the World in general. Always the Outsider the square peg in a world of round holes. I stuggled to find Spiritual value, be a freind but I always felt inferior to those around me. Then I slowly came to realise that I Was Making Myself Miserable and That was the Simple Truth. And so by force of will I chose to supress any thoughts that could be considered WORRY whenever they arose and to let Fate have its way with Me. I still took the path of Spirit and tried to be helpful and Kind, But I quit being concerned how succesful My efforts were or how I appeared to others. I still do this. I am no more popular or succesful but I have had a lot more time to just look around and marvel at this strange beauty show as I move towards the inevitable. You, Unhinged, might make this your own. 121101
Pilgrim Dear talented sensitive Unhinged, I feel your distress as I'm sure we all Do, I do not presume to know all the details that have led You to the place You are. But if you can Relax and Let it Flow, Through You, Over You, Past You: Life is Yours, to Witness. Not to Control. No One really does. Take Care. 'Nuf Said? 121101
unhinged i'm wandering around this city
trying not to cry
convincing myself that you don't care

i won't beg
PeeT it is winter's end. we are devastated by loss. but, fucking_right, spring is coming, ready to explode with new life! 130226
what's it to you?
who go