DammitJanet it's funny how some callers don't even listen to the greeting. it's usually the callers that have the wrong number. the call came from burger king of all places, a fast food chain i will never indulge in. it was martin. he was talking about joe and about how the person he was trying to reach was at the hospital, and he'll call again when he's gone home, and call joe because he wants to see him. so we laughed a bit and joked how later martin will yell at the person he was trying to reach, saying he called him and why didn't he call back, or even talk to joe.
this morning there was another message. it was strange how i didn't even hear the phone in my sleep, concidering the phone is right beside my head. the call was from burger king, but it was for martin. wondering if he's coming in to work today because he hasn't shown up yet. but this time it doesn't make me laugh. it just concerns me of the circumstances of the situation, and why i'm now involved.
Lime Rider When I hear an answering machine I didn't know was there before I called I usually freak out and lay down the phone. I pause for a while, thinking what the person on the other side could be up to. Nearly total silence. Just the bass from my room. Looking out of the window. Then I call again and hope they'll pick up before the ring reaches the answering machine again. I hang up and think of what I'll say the next time around. Saying what I had to say to the storage tape I remember at the end of the message I never said my name. "Oh errr, this is Joris". Messages nearly all result in me having to call again.

While I hate speaking on the phone, because the lack of visual communication, the answering machine has my undivided abhorrence. Also because backspace is painfully absent.

Writing is better because you have the time to imagine visual interacting.
DammitJanet wow, is martin ever in shit. if he doesn't call joe back within the hour, he's assuming martin no longer works at burger king. 030120
lulie Makes me feel that no one cares when it doesn't blink.
Makes me feel that no one ever leaves me alone when it blinks.
raze when i was younger and more inclined to talk to people on the phone, i must have left fifty messages on his machine over a period of several years. supposedly we were friends, but one day he stopped returning phone calls. so, once every month or two, i would give him a call, i'd get the machine, and each time i would leave a message, thinking he'd have to call back at some point. he never did. we had no falling out. i heard from others who ran into him that he had only good things to say about me. maybe he developed a debilitating phone-related allergy and was too embarrassed to tell me. his greeting message never once changing in all those years would seem to support that theory, far-fetched and half-assed as it may be. 130717
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