Magicmushroom24 Inspite of Everything that happened on tuesday....

9 11

Is the number we call for an emergency.

September eleventh 2001
I woke up that morning, all that was on my mind while I was walking down the hallway, is what i was going to eat for breakfast....I looked at the TV... i saw the "America Under Attack"... i thought....What the fuck just happened?
Mushroomman Inspite of Everything that happened on tuesday....

9 11

Is the number we call for an emergency.

September eleventh 2001
I woke up that morning, all that was on my mind while I was walking down the hallway, is what i was going to eat for breakfast....I looked at the TV... i saw the "America Under Attack"... i thought....What the fuck just happened?
zed 911 in the US
112 in Europe
What number do you call in the middle east?
Emergency, emergency. American foreign policy is being deployed!
Who do you call...?
For a wake up call?
what's it to you?
who go