yoink i can't get over you, you damned dirty centaurs

the filth, the madness
the stimulation?

christopher walken is my hero
anatominal birdmad have you seen the movie "The Prophecy" where he plays the angel Gabriel gone bad.

i can do an uncanny Christopher Walken impersonation.

"Of course I'm not serious, painkillers would be to risky for the badger."
nocturnal and man can he ever dance! seen the video? 010521
god the rest of the interview will be centaur questions. 010521
Casey So if I turned into a centaur today...

Do you think Christopher Walken would give me his autograph?
Sol fear Heracles thy fearful slayer 010522
christopher walkens doppelganger ten_years_from now, we will all either be dirty_centaurs, or christopher_walken 010822
evil twin uhh, ten_years_from_now , dammit 010822
Tenyearsafter Neither centaur nor Walken clone. So much for predictions 120801
what's it to you?
who go