and then i dreamed of you, reaching.
and then i woke up, breathing.

and then i saw you, staring.

and i was dying.......
silentbob an ocean, a flood
a bitchslap, a rain
the electric ghost of roy baty ...all these moments lost

like tears in rain
soia pirating software is too much work
think I'll just take a nap
kerry where have you gone, joe dimaggio

a nation turns it's lonely eyes to you
light therapy seasonal affective disorder has a lot to do with it. 021117
MisterMourning winter, summer spring, fall, the season matters not when there is always some new misery poised like the fuckin' sword of Damocles hanging over my sorry head 021117
kerry in the car i looked out the window and oldies were playing on the radio and sitting at the bus stop was a woman maybe about 25, perfect brown soft-looking skin and round pearish body, wonderful brown curls spiralling and corkscrewing out everywhere and she held a cellphone in one hand between her knees and cried. lips were trembling and she wiped her eyes and put her head in her hands. 030418
bandersnatch am i the only one who prefures being sad to almost any other emotion?

i just wish i could access it more
mon uow i feel guilty and sad
and guilty and sad
for feeling

guilty and sad
nom i'll be sad if not 060212
nom not sure why i just am 061224
thorn i am i am i am 061224
thorn i can't bother people with my crazyness on christmas eve 061224
nom when i don't hear 070112
nom why


i'm stupid
nom i was trying to say decapacitating and i stumbled into decapitating

but maybe i meant incapacitating
nom i went to sleep sad

doubting everything
nom well not everything
but everything
no reason it was a weird night
full of things i don't think about anymore
no reason knowing the things i want also want me but it's difficult 081113
nr i just feel sad these days and i can't pinpoint exactly why, but i can guess. it could be disappointment over something i thought i had. it could be caution over something i might be able to have but am not sure i really want but in some ways i really do want it. it could be the loneliness i feel in this job and in this city.

something just needs to happen.
nr just get me sad so i can write poetry 211209
unhinged the first holidays without my dad are hitting hard 211210
nr at the probable loss of possibility
the possible loss of probability?
the lossability?
what's it to you?
who go